Sitemap - 2023 - Students of Leadership

The Legend of Miyamoto Musashi

The Spark (Let yourself be drawn to what you love)

Embracing the Path to Mastery

The Spark ("No mud, No Lotus)

Avoid Ineptitude before Seeking Genius

The Spark ("This is the way")

The Perimeter of Ignorance

The Spark ("No Mind")

Three-Foot World

The Spark ("You are not a drop in the ocean")

The Art of the Possible

The Spark ("Raise your words, not your voice")

The "McGurk effect"

The Spark ("Your task is not to seek for love")

The Contrarian. Chapter 7

The Spark ("The mind is everything.")

Jiddu Krishnamurti

“Students of Leadership” (news)

The Spark ("the obstacle is the path")

Best of the Month (October 2023)

How will you Measure your Life?

The Spark ("The finger pointing to the moon")

The Cobra Effect

The Spark (“When will you begin that journey?)

Rationale Choice Theory

The Spark ("Be water, my friend")


Best of the Month (September 2023)

The Stages of Decline

The Spark ("The Stone Mind")

Amor Fati

The Spark ("The Moon Cannot Be Stolen)

Adversity Quotient A.Q.

The Spark ("Does a dog have Buddha nature?")

Embracing duality: the leadership constant!

The Spark ("What was your original face before your parents were born?"

'The Contrarian' (special edition)

The Spark (“Out of nowhere, the mind comes forth.“)

NEW! "Best of the Month" (10) July 2023

Knowledge in Motion - Best of the Month (9)

Knowledge in Motion - Best of the Month (8)

Knowledge in Motion - Best of the Month (7)

Knowledge in Motion - Best of the Month (6)

Knowledge in Motion - Best of the Month (5)

Knowledge in Motion - Best of the Month (4)

Knowledge in Motion - Best of the Month (3)

Knowledge in Motion - Best of the Month (2)

Knowledge in Motion - Best of The Month (1)

The art of self-dialogue

The Spark ("Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.")

"AUTOTELIC" Leadership

The Spark ("When you can do nothing, what can you do?")

Ted Lasso's Way

The Spark (unfold your own myth)


The Spark (the light through your wounds)

The Motte and Bailey fallacy

The Spark ("The wisdom of the roots")


The Spark ("Picking up the leaves")

The Contrarian. Chapter 6

The Spark ("Leadership is the art of giving people a platform for spreading ideas that work")

Chaos Theory

The Spark (“Chop Wood, Carry Water”)

Chesterton's Fence

The Spark ("The Oak Tree in the Courtyard")

The Contrarian. chapter 5

The Spark ("What is the Color of Wind?")

The Fermi paradox

The Spark ("No Water, no Moon")

Mind and Machine

The Spark ("The Empty Cup")

The Spark ("Two Monks and a Woman")

The Spark ("The Sound of One Hand Clapping")

Getting the Basics Right

The Spark ("leadership is a craft, not a genetic trait")

The Spark ("succession planning, at all levels")

The Spark ("shape the future or be shaped by it")

The Spark ("leadership and learning")

The Spark ("the windows and the mirror")

The Spark - a new weekly treat

The Schrödinger's cat

The Contrarian. chapter 4

The Byzantine's Generals Problem

The Contrarian. chapter 3


"Always two there are...

Will you be qualified to do your job tomorrow?

The Contrarian. chapter 2

It's not the critic who counts...

The Contrarian - chapter 1

The hardship of times

The simple acronyms of our complex times

Knowledge is power?


Climbing the corporate ladder is a bad career growth metaphor

The Art of Sustained Performance

The wolves within