
In fact the more one digs the more one realizes of the metaphors and references to different philosophies

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Something I had to unlearned for examples relates to my natural communication style, which can me more wordy and natural bottoms up building the argument from the details to the conclusion. I had to change to an executive style of communication that is more concise and top down, where the conclusions and the key points to remember are stated first and then (only if needed) the details. To me that does not come natural, it is still an area in which I focus to improve, but it is important. And again, it is not just the improvement of something, it needs unlearning and relearning to be successful at it because the way I am naturally wired does not make it possible for me to do it effectively if I do not unlearn it first

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This is a great example and thank you for sharing. I totally get this as I also come from a culture where we are very direct in communication, we talk a lot, we challenge each other, etc. I agree that adjusting needs to happen especially in a business environment where, as you said, we need to be clear, specific, up to the point.

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Also, the battle between good and evil is represented in a great way but what has been to me most fascinating is to truly understand the “creation” of Darth Vader (evil) from an original sweet good boy destined to do great things... it is a story of love, pain and anger what leads to evil, not evil itself. And of course Yoda is the representation of wisdom

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Unlearn to learn. Learn to unlearn. Learn to let go of old ways of thinking in order to grow and evolve. What worked in the past was for those times then we learned new things to get us to the next level. There are times when that seems so simple and we do that process without hesitation. In those abrasive moments where we struggle to let go and move on because that’s just the way things have always been are the opportunities of unlearning to learn, grow and evolve.

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Thank you MariLynn for your insights

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Great article! Reading this I thought back to an Epictetus quote; If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid with regard to external things. Don't wish to be thought to know anything; and even if you appear to be somebody important to others, distrust yourself. For, it is difficult to both keep your faculty of choice in a state conformable to nature, and at the same time acquire external things. But while you are careful about the one, you must of necessity neglect the other.

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Thank you very much dear Mark for your feedback and reflections.

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

After reading this article a song came to my mind... it's from the movie "A star is born" and it's called "Maybe it's time". Anyone else feels the song is a good match for the content of Sebastian's writing?

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Thank you Sebastian for another great article. I'm not a fan of Star Wars but maybe I should be since Yoda seems very wise and I can learn a thing or two from him 🤔 joke aside... I will take time to reflect over the next few days and identify what I need to unlearn and relearn because without doing that there's no growth. I would like to ask if you can give a specific example of one important thing that you recently unlearned and then relearned and how that affected your life for the better. Thank you!

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Thank you again Minodora for your engagement and feedback. You know? About Star Wars I was the same way, and it was my brother who only 3-4 years ago introduced me to it making me watch the movies and the whole saga through different lenses, those of philosophpy

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I will try that approach too... looking at the Star Wars through the lens of philosophy and learning

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