Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Highly enjoyed this insightful reflection and analysis. It has inspired me to take action in my own life to “be the bricklayer.” Thank you Sebastian!

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Welcome Maria! This is how I feel too reading the Leadership reflections: inspired and motivated...and part of a great community

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

As I was reading this inspirational and profound analysis, I also remembered one interesting fact that brick buildings are considered to be one of the most resilient, especially against hurricanes, tornadoes, hail or high winds... And so true it is for the relationships build on a solid foundation, be it in professional or personal areas... And when we consider the process of making individual bricks, we’ll see that one of the most important stages of making a solid brick is the “baking/burning” process... I compare it to solidifying one’s character through fires of life, challenges, experiences and acquired knowledge... To Build a solid brick house, you need solid and well “burnt” bricks... The same is with teamwork, and a true leader understands that perfectly.

I think this article is such a beautiful metaphor for what people should aspire to be. In the end, if you don’t have a solid wall to lean your ladder against... your ladder is pretty useless. Same applies to the corporate world... Thank you Sebastian for bringing up these reflections!

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I really like the solid wall idea where to lean the ladder

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Thank you Sebastian and Minodora! I think it had something to do with that herbal tea I had right before writing it:)))

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

I know right? I love herbal tea too...must be good for the brain cells 😀

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Indeed ! I have a special mix of mint, rosemary, and lavender (patent pending 😁)...goes well with reading Sebastian’s articles!

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Me too. That's a good one Oksana!

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Dear Oksana, thank you for the engagement and the valuable comments. In fact I love the comparison with building each individual brick, what it means in terms of the baking/burning process, solidifying one's character. I feel very inspired by that point in particular. Thank you for being here

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Valid points Oksana. Well said about building a solid foundation and a strong character. If those ingredients are there, the sky's the limit!

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

I also resonate with what you're saying about building teams and collaboration in order to build strong and successful organizations. It is not me running faster than anyone else but us together and helping each other to succeed that will generate performance and success.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Thank you Sebastian for another great piece of writing and insight into an important topic for all of us and also sharing your personal experience in the corporate world. I totally agree and I grew up in a culture where I've heard so many times how important is to build a strong foundation either for a house, for one's education, career or life. In fact we are still building with brick in Romania and I've seen several times the brick layers doing their job. Now back to the methapor that you don't like and don't believe in: I came across it when I moved here but it didn't say anything to me. I never saw career progress as a ladder to claim but, as you mentioned, it is the skills, knowledge, experience that someone has to aquire and the hard work that will get us where we want to be in life or our careers.

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Thank you Minodora very much for being here and always sharing your enthusiasm and insights. I am from Argentina originally and we also build with bricks compared with wood and dry-wall here in the US and I assume Canada the same for the most part.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Minodora, it’s very interesting to read your impressions about corporate culture in the western world as you saw it through the eyes of a newcomer from Romania:) I also have similar memories and observations when I arrived from Ukriane... We had a saying something in the lines of “Don’t seek power. It will be given to you once you demonstrate you know how to manage it”...

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To me one of the most important points is this idea of being able to build solid foundations and different experiences rather than being obsessed with a title or a level. Of course over time it all comes together, a level and a title represent progression many times, but it is the journey well travelled what will guarantee long term success.

In the end, a solid house also has ladders, both matter. But the point is where do you put your energy and how you think of your team when you help them build their careers.

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When I think of someone's title I think of years of hard work, passion, determination, leadership and values. In essence it's the person I admire (not the title) and what they've done with their life both personally and professionally.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Thank you Oksana and glad to meet you and talk to you on this platform. I feel more and more that Europe and North America are similar in some ways but very different in other ways. I've been in Canada for 22 years now and went through stages of wanting to fully integrate to the point of forgetting where I'm from but recently I came to appreciate more and more my roots.

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Nice to hear these different experiences. Thank you

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It's amazing how this community is building step by step and how diverse is. It's a pleasure to hear different ideas, to read about people's experiences and to share our own reflections on your writing s Sebastian! Please keep bringing to life these amazing stories and writings! Thank you!!!

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

What a great metaphor and shift to a true “growth mindset” - looking beyond title to opportunity to build new competencies, laying the bricks, building and strengthening the foundation, learning and growing. I truly believe no matter how “boring” the role or task with the right mindset it can be shaped differently, streamlined, refined and exciting. When life gives you lemons time to make some lemonade!

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Thank you Mark, definitely it moves your mindset to a true growth mindset !

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Thank you very much Maria for your feedback and for sharing this insight!! Welcome to the community!

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