Nov 14, 2022Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

I would like to start by saying that I really liked this piece of writing as it introduces and explains the notion of time preference which most of us are not aware of. We do have a general understanding that what we do today may affect the future but not in so much depth as to realized how important is to be mindful of how leaning towards a high or low time preference can steer our lives in two opposite directions one where, as your dad said, we remain in the same place years later; and the other one where we evolve and create the best future possible. Today I tried to explain the concept to a 7 years old, daughter of a friend, while helping her prepare for a spelling test... when she was losing her patience...not sure she understood me but I'll continue explaining it until she will. Reading this post was a little bit of an eye opener for me and hope it will help both my personal and professional life. Thank you for sharing!

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Thank you very much Minodora. It is very interesting to see how this resonated with you and how it translates into both personal and professional life

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This is not an intuitive concept to grasp because all our lived go in general in the opposite direction! But one very important to reflect on

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