
a great leader who is compassionate is like a magician… I like that Oksana! I always like to say that one of the jobs of leader is “to scale the magic” :-)

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Beautiful post Sebastian and great insight Oksana! There's magic and good in all beings if we open your minds and hearts. We're all connected on levels we may not fully understand yet. I really like the parallel made from this koan to the Leadership traits of compassion, empathy and seeing potential and growth in all the team members.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Being a dedicated dog lover myself, I can say with certainty that dogs do have Buddha nature:)) But to the point- this is a fantastic reminder to us that we are all made of the same dough and should treat each other accordingly regardless of social status, race etc. I agree that a compassionate leader who understands this principle is like a magician who can make beautiful things appear where none seemed to have existed. Great post, Sebastian!

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