Apr 30, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Thank you, Sebastian, for this post! It is a profound summary of lessons on how to think clearly. The fallacy of human mind is that we often jump into conclusions thinking the most obvious answer is the right one. The brain is looking for a simple and quick solution and patterns. In 95% of cases its probably true and effective, but there’s always those 5% when things need a more detailed examination. I think it’s a wisdom that comes with experience to be able to distinguish between cases where overthinking is not necessary and where a much deeper analysis is needed. The principles you listed serve as a useful guide to develop that wisdom. Great topic!

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Thank you Oksana!! I am glad that the topic resonated but also that you found value in some of the experience I shared on some of the principles I put together based on study and observation. Always a pleasure to receive your responses and insightful feedback.

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May 1, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

I like the topic of this piece of writing too and the reminders of 3 valuable principles of letting go of judgements and assumptions and working a problem from different angles, relying on knowledge and information and clear thinking. These principles can be applied to both professional and personal life so it's important to be mindful of them.

I also believe that gaining expertise will give that clarity and agility of thinking so needed in today's complex world.

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