
Thank you Paula!! We live in interesting times from this perspective! If we don’t rewire how we think about information and critical thinking, we’ll get buried in the fog of confusion

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Thank you Minodora! Yes, it is indeed a very important topic! To me one of the most relevant insights is to reflect on how censorship acts in a different way than in the past, but still can be very significant in this era when we feel that we can access everything

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Great post and really like the quotes. The focus on the leader having the clarity of thought to take the details and the facts and make the decisions, sometimes exceptionally difficult is what makes the difference. I remember a time I was part of a team in which was going through dramatic change. One person said “there is too much change” and overall took the tone of the team and the ability to adjust, flex and be dynamic was becoming less important. I remember the leader at that time saying one very important statement that stuck with me : “if it was not for change we would not be here, right now, where we are today”. I loved that quote. It provided such strong clarity of thought and lifted the mood and openness of the team.

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I agree with your comments Mark; it's essential for a leader to find clarity and focus and to drive change buy it's equally important to explain it and encourage their team to embrace it. Most of time support and encouragement it 's all we need to succeed

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Very true Minodora - the clarity of communication on all levels is essential. I am learning to take the perspective of someone not in my shoes and ask of myself “why”? If there is no “why” or “what” then how clear or impactful is my communication. Likewise though communication is always a two way street so both parties should seek to find clarity in the message and communication if unclear, difficult skill but essential!

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Sebastian, as always, your writing is not only thought provoking, but is also calling for action! I appreciated how you pointed out that focus is everything, and that’s the aspect we are missing so much these days... unfortunately, in everything, not just in corporate world. I think the main problem is that being bombarded with information from all sides, people tend to mute their own voices and opinions. It’s very ironic though that in the society and times where “freedom of speech” is a widely accepted concept, I can’t stop noticing that I hear people’s own voices less and less... I strongly believe that restoring a deep connection with your own self is the first step to gaining clarity in this intense environment of background noises...

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Thank you very much Oksana! It is such a pleasure to read your reflections too.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Oksana, I agree that some people prefer to keep quiet as there's so much "freedom of expression" so that everyone feels they can pass a judgment, disagree with an opinion just because they can but not because the other one is wrong... we can go on and on... what I would like to see more is that people would admit that they don't know everything and show humility, listen in order to understand, accept a different opinion without any reaction. This is where what you said come into place: it's time to look inside and connect with oneself more. Be more concerned with oneself and ones development than with what noise there's around

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

I Absolutely agree, Minodora. Very well said about the “freedom of expression “ phenomenon..!

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I completely agree with the depth of analysis that the use of “freedom of speech” requires!! Of course it is a fundamental right that needs to be protected at all costs; yet at the same time there are challenges to how it is many times “weaponized” to justify saying anything without any degree of checking about anyone or anything... adding fuel to the fire of miss information and in my humble opinion, over opinionated and editorialized world we live in where news as facts for people to create their opinions with critical thinking have been in some instances replaced by over editorialized and almost dramatically acted pieces that do not help to think with clarity.

In any regard, it is very important I believe to focus on what one can control, and that is oneself, so looking in the mirror more than looking through the magnifier glass is a good start

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

This is a powerful piece of writing and brings up important and current topics to reflect on. It's all around us and happening to all of us so we can't move forward ignoring the "brutal" reality: the information overload, the misinformation and miscommunication, the attention deficit and lack of clarity. I don't think lots of people are really aware that having access to information doesn't mean you are an informed person unless you know how to select the relevant and accurate information. We know how that went during the pandemic...

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Thank you Sebastian. I can relate to the censorship of the past as I experienced it growing up in communist Romania. I'll read the book you mentioned to get knowledge on censorship as it applies to these days and times. My question is: how do we rely censor the overflow of information coming our way in order to achieve focus and clarity? What do you do?

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Hi Minodora! As I was reading your question, I thought I would recommend a book that addresses directly the HOW. I read it long time ago, but still practice that thinking. It’s written by Rolf Dobelli, “The Art of Thinking Clearly “. Reads easily and is very useful. He also wrote another book, which I haven’t started yet, and it’s also about our topic of discussion...”Stop Reading the News: How to cope with the information overload and think more clearly”... 😊

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Thank you so much Oksana for the book recommendations. I will for sure read them both

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Thank you Sebastian. Great insights. Clarity of thought when knowledge is in flux at a time when being disruptive is considered key is rare.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

I also like how you poined out the difference between knowledge, wisdom and clarity; all 3 absolutely necessary to have for a strong leader. Ability to cut through the noise, focus on what's important, think before you do, anticipate and manage change... must haves as well.

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Love the quote you referenced Mark, very powerful and true! Thanks for your support and for sharing your insights!

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