
Thank you Minodora for your engagement and reflection on this post! It helps me think too

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May 9, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Great post Sebastian! It's an important reminder that no matter what we do in business or personal we should never forget what's most important: the basics... get it right and all will workout in the end. Get it wrong and it will crumble eventually. No doubt great ideas, innovation, thinking outside the box are very important but taking breaks and evaluating where do we stand compared with the basic is essential as well. People are busy, they have deadlines, priorities and if you stop someone for a second to ask why they do a particular thing ot what value it adds to their lives they may not be able to give an answer...they forgot the basics amidst the noise...same for businesses...we know businesses are here to make money but as the Blockbuster example showed, if you forget your basics, which is the customer who pays for the service, you are in big trouble.

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