
Life long learning and intelectual humility are important traits for anyone trying to build anything lasting in life

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

This is so great and truly I feel goes beyond work, and to life in general. Also loops into the old adage “you can’t teach an old dogs new tricks”. We should never stop trying to be qualified for whatever fortunate place and growth opportunities we find ourselves- in work and personal life. It is this “comfort zone” we need to grow from. I am going to take this one and also use it in my relationships. Never stop being complacent or take things for granted. Be as keen, eager and motivated as the first day you took the job vs thinking time or tenure = experience and know it all. There are always things to learn and grow, it’s a letter of opening eyes, looking around you and finding these opportunities!

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Sebastian Sorsaburu, MD

Very interesting subject. Thank you for the post, Sebastian. It reminds me of a phrase I read once in Forbes that the best leaders are full time learners. I also think it should apply to the ability to learn from your own students, i.e. team members. Even though one is a leader of a team, one should not disregard the potential of learning from new team members who came from different environments and experiences. Considering today’s fast paced progress, keeping an open inquisitive mind is essential to remaining adequately qualified. Great topic for reflection!

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Thanks Oksana as always for your engagement and valuable feedback.

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